NMR Core Facility


            Important Notice: COVID-19 and New SOP

All users must read and understand the new standard operating procedure

The NMR Facility has only one Entry (on the TA Auditorium side) and one Exit (next to the A400) for now.

There are four sectors -- (i) A1/NB3/cluster computers, (ii) A2/A3, (iii) A400, and (iv) A500, respectively -- for strict social distancing, one user at a time!

You MUST follow the path shown by the signs for in and out movement!

Signing up through our webpage using the WASE calendar for 10 minute blocks of time is required, multiple consecutive blocks are acceptable if needed, one empty block must be kept between users.  No exceptions!

Regular PPE is required, no outside gloves from the lab are welcome!

You must use a new plastic sheet every time to cover the keyboard and mouse, discard it after finished!  For touching spinners and tubes use kimwipes.

Personal communication should be kept at minimum, ask for assistance through the glass!

Phone numbers for quick access are 609-933-3528 (cell for István, for text, too) and 609-258-1633 (Ken's office). 


Welcome to the Princeton NMR Core Facility!

The Department of Chemistry houses a world-class nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) facility with outstanding instrumental power and experimental capabilities.


Facility Use

To request training, consultation, and/or assisted services, please contact the core director.  The NMR Core Facility does not currently accept reservations via iLab, this page is for informational purposes only.


About the Facility

The NMR Core Facility is available 24/7 to fully trained and authorized users.

Staff assisted servicse are available Monday - Friday from 9am-5pm.


Instrumentation Available

  • A800 - Avance III 800MHz

All proton detected experiments, triple resonance (1H/13C/15N) experiments, 2H detection and still pretty good for 13C detection.

  • A500 - Avance III 500MHz

1H(also for paramagnetic samples), 19F, 31P, 11B and, exotic heteronuclei

  •  A1 - Avance III 500MHz

All proton detected experiments, triple resonance (1H/13C/15N) experiments, 2H detection
and still pretty good for 13C detection.

  • A2 - Avance III 500MHz

Direct13C detection, quite good for 1H, too, 2H detection.

  • A3 - Avance III 500MHz

Unique for 15N and 31P, really good for the rest of the nuclei as well.

  • NB300 - NanoBay 300MHz

1H(also for paramagnetic samples), 19F, 31P, 11B and, exotic heteronuclei

  • A400 - NanoBay 400MHz

Prodigy nitrogen-cooled cryoprobe, competitive for all heteronuclei from -40OC to +150OC



Contact Information

István Pelczer, Director 


e-mail: ipelczer@princeton.edu


Kenith Conover, NMR Specialist

e-mail: kenithc@princeton.edu


Location and Hours of Operation


Assisted Services    9am-5pm, Monday-Friday

Unassisted/Self-Use for approved and trained users   24/7



Frick Chemistry Laboratory, B06





Name Role Phone Email Location
Istvan Pelczer
Frick, B09
Kenith Conover
NMR Specialist
Frick, B10